Friday, September 28, 2007

Where I currently stand...

I guess now is as good of a time as any to upload images of my claracter for the 3-d animation I'm working on. He is loosely modeled after Indiana Jones. Loosely. It is a slow process, and I estimate that I've spent around 100 hours working on him (much of that time was spent researching, as I am still learning the ins and outs of Maya). There is still quite a bit more work that he needs... the biggest one being that I need to finish up his rigging (that's why his full-body pose is like that). I've got his skeleton set up, and it's attached to the skin, but now I need to go back through and paint his skin weights for each of his joints so that they move properly. If you're wondering what the heck that means, go ahead and look it up somewhere... just thinking about it gives me nightmares.

Thankfully, I've finished setting up his facial animation, so at least that part is all set. The last five renders are just me playing around with his face. Don't laugh too much. (I apparently also forgot to smooth out his teeth before rendering, so they look very square. They look much better after being smoothed out. Trust me). The last image was inspired by capstone.

Critique on my character so far? Like it? Hate it? Want to give me money?

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