Sunday, November 11, 2007

Gazira Babeli: Second Life Hacker

The other link Jon sent me was about Italian "Second Life" coder Gazira Babeli. Her avatar for "Second Life" has been hacked so that she is able to summon swarms of Super Mario armies, punctuation marks, tornadoes, and "grey goo". It seems she would attack rude users who engage in improper netiquette with these maneuvers, forcing the users to think twice before speaking rudely again.

I've never played "Second Life" myself, but from what I've heard it is essentially a virtual world for players to create an avatar and enjoy a life outside their own. There doesn't seem to be any real objectives beyond just socializing and enjoying oneself. Very much like Anarchy MUD, actually. This gets me thinking about how flexible I should allow Anarchy MUD to be; the more flexibility I allow, the better chance another Gazira Babeli joins the game and hacks it to her favor. But at the same time, if the game is easily hackable, it might be very possible that the hackers would disallow any other players from ever joining the game. How flexible is "too flexible"?

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